Bucket in our Greenhouse |
This morning I nerded out with some accounting software called QuickBooks. It keeps track of all expenses and income then shows profits and charts comparing last year to this one. Okay, I know it doesn't sound cool and it's not, but I like seeing where all the money is coming from and going. Cory's record keeping was a disaster so it took from 8:30-12:45, sorry Cory but that'll be in your upcoming boss organization evaluation. Next week should be all set though, I have my glasses and pocket protector set to go.
I didn't choose my name |
It started raining off and on so I helped Erica finish harvesting the asparagus then we all weeded. We weeded this beautiful cover crop with pretty purple bells, hurts to pull up something so pretty. Guess what it's called...wrong, because no one would guess it's called Hairy Vetch. No, you read that right some weirdo (probably named Hairy) named this delicate flower cover crop hairy vetch. We had to pull it out before it went to seed and became extremely hard to remove from the field. This cover crop enriches the soil with Nitrogen to get it ready for the next big crop.
Oh yeah, ha, so I had problems stepping over the electric fence and took a hit...hard. Thankfully, none of the fences are turned on yet, or FarmGirl might not be with us today.
Ballerina's everywhere shudder at my grace |
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