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Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 10

Yum...Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum...Yum!

Today started out with more strawberry harvesting! It was Jason, another intern's, first day and he was in for a doozy. We have meetings on Mondays to discuss the upcoming week's activities, and we get to most of them but Cory's a little too ambitious at times, can't say that I blame him.
Next up we went to the field by the plantation (called Main House) to remove the plastic row covers before we turn the field. The plastic covers are there to reduce watering, fertilizing, and weeds; therefore saving time and energy. We can't use the biodegradable ones because they aren't classified as organic, and how much plastic do you want in your soil, really? They are extremely hard to take off and rip, etc. so it was a challenge. I had to take a break because so much dirt went up my nose I couldn't stop sneezing, then my nose started bleeding, it was a sexy moment.
After lunch I harvested asparagus while the guys weeded, I found a dandelion and it reminded me of this blog so I blew it, I forgot Daniel was right next to me until he started laughing. Then we went to Nicholas' farm and borrowed a machine that puts down drip irrigation and row covers Oh My!  So I'm guessing we will be trying that out tomorrow.

Important sunburn update: It has started peeling and I'm putting the loofah to use! I'll spare you pictures this time...this time.

Bike will be used to shell peas for market? We'll see how that works later.

Our To-Do Monday board, to clarify it's for the week, Rome wasn't built in a day folks!

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