Excitement! But not in the beginning. I started out setting up drip irrigation on the carrots with Daniel. It was frustrating for us both, I didn't know what to do and he couldn't explain because of the language barrier; we made it through though. Next up, bee hives! There are two, one is "weaker" than the other meaning less active. We used the smoke to calm them and checked on honey production, wax moths/mites, and that the queen bee is reproducing. They are slow going and we won't have honey until July. I held some of the screens with all the bees, but no stings on this girl!
Me in the back, suiting up! |
Cory at the hives, he added more levels |
Daniel harvesting some beets |
The rest of the afternoon we harvested for local restaurants and the Burge chef. Cory's going tomorrow to sell CSA membership to LA Fitness goers. Our boxes right now include turnips, endive, green onion, cabbage, Romaine lettuce, Kale, red cabbage and yellow beets. I finished out the day weeding peas and strawberries.
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