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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 2

Started out the day by fertilizing off the back of a pickup spraying a mixture of seaweed and fish, while some puppies played near it (don't know why, it smelled awful or smells like money as Cory says). It did rain off and on today, so we worked a couple different fields and one of the hoop houses. In total there are 7 fields and 4 hoop houses. Transplanted some kale, okra, tomatoes etc. to bigger containers and petted one of the neighbors horses who came to see what we were up to. Other transplants we continually check on are the peppers, many varieties and high maintenance.

Daniel is reteaching me Spanish and I'm helping him with English; he taught me tomar for take and I taught him bipolar when describing his wife. He also might teach me how to drive a stick. We'll see how successful he is with that! He found a pretty bird in the field that was wounded so we gave him a safe place to heal up. We spent the rest of the day weeding the strawberries. Cory spent most of the day taking the trucks and tracker in for repairs, he spends time doing office work and marketing, the money making side. I also met Sandy, the owner of the Plantation and Farm, head honcho as he puts it and Ricky a Forager expert on plant life in the area and actually I don't really know what he does, but I like him.

Cherry Bomb adjusting to country life

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