Got off easy this morning, well easy for farming. While Daniel and the other interns got up some plastic row covering, Cory and I direct sowed (planted the seed into the ground not transplanted): Cucumbers, Squash, Fennel, Zinnias Quinoa, Tat Soy, Miznua, Spinach, Radishes, Red Turnips, Carrots, Arugula, Choy Sum, Broccoli, and Beets. Oh and some onions that had been in Ricky's family for over 100 years. Then we put the cloth row coverings over the rows to protect the seed from rain, etc. We had some drama with the row coverings all getting tangled, but in the end we won.
Post lunch I helped remove plastic row coverings (Whew!) which made up for my somewhat peaceful morning, and harvested asparagus. This weekend I have homework :), readings on soil cause next week we'll be talking all about Soil, Soil History, Testing, Biology, Tilth, Organic Matter, and Soil Surveys.
Me and my new Roomy! |