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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 97-102

 Oh Nuts! Peanuts that is...mixed with peppers, storms, fig surprise, and Operation Celosia Rescue! I thought FarmGirl was going to be toast yesterday working in all the lightening and carrying rakes and whatnot, but as you can see I'm still kicking, no electrocution happenin here.

Now where to begin? Let's chat about some peppers shall we? We have so many peppers Cory has started taking the pepper roaster to the farmer's market. I've noticed most people in the South, especially the oldies but goodies do not care for spicy peppers. But I say, give them a chance because they're interesting little fellows.  Get some of those pepper facts: They are members of the nightshade family (sounds mysterious!), which also includes potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant.

I'm worth the wait!
Bell Peppers: The misleading name "pepper" (pimiento in Spanish) was given by Christopher Columbus upon bringing the plant back to Europe. At that time peppercorns, an unrelated plant originating from India, were a highly prized condiment; the name "pepper" was then applied in Europe to all known spices with a hot and pungent taste and so naturally extended to the newly discovered Capsicum genus.

Paprika can be prepared from red bell peppers (as well as from chili peppers). Bell peppers are not 'hot'. The primary substance that controls "hotness" in peppers is called capsaicin, and it's found in very small amounts in bell peppers.  Also red bell peppers have twice the Vitamin C of green ones, so wait for the good stuff folks!

Holy Pimento that goes up high
Did you know that there was a pepper scale?!! Oh yes, it exists and is called the Scoville scale. It's rated by taking an extract of capsaicin oil from a measured amount of dried pepper and added incrementally to a solution of sugar water until the "heat" is just detectable by a panel of (usually five) tasters; the degree of dilution gives its measure on the Scoville scale. So for example, bell peppers being the sweet little guys they are with almost no capsaicin, are at the bottom.

Also growing up around farmville (not to be confused with the FB game, the real deal), is eggplant. I've spoken about eggplant before, I know, but they are worth mentioning again. I think I've eaten Asian eggplant every night last week in every possible way. In fact, all this contemplating of eggplant has given me an idea for yet another recipe to try out, eggplant sauteed in soy sauce. Spending all that quality time has really taken our relationship to the next level, I may ask them to move in with me.

Sometimes you have to stick together
Cherry tomatoes agree!

Honey Dew=Happiness

In The Box
-2# mixed Tomatoes
-1# Eggplant
-1# Zephyr Squash
-3/4# Okra
-1 Watermelon OR 2 canteloupe
-1 bunch Okinawa Spinach
-1# Potatoes
-1/2# Purple Onions OR 1 bunch Torpedo Onions
- 1 Red Bell Pepper AND 2 Anaheim Peppers

With okra harvesting we have to suit up before going into battle. I use old sock which I have cut out the tops along with thumb holes. They look kind of hip and edgy if you ask me, I could be a farmer fashion designer. Anyhoodly, it works, and I didn't feel like I needed a cortisone shot after harvesting which happened many times before. 

 We went over fall crop plans and discussed rotations:
Crop Plans Fall 2012

For the first time, we solarized a hoop house! We what a who? Solarization is a tool farmers use to give the soil a face lift. The process kills insect larve, weeds, and disease that lurks in the soil over long periods of time. Here's what it looks like:
First, you gotta clear it out and do some bed prep

Then you watch other people lay compost ;)

Next fertilize that baby and add irrigation


Fun stuff is popping up around the farm like figs! Cory went on an errand and came back with three different varieties of figs from the orchard!!! "Like Fig Newton's?" said intern Jason. Not quite. They are some tasty brutes; making me think it's time to jam out with some figs soon.

There are also soybeans trying to join the party, beans, peas, and peanuts! You may not know this about me, but I'm a peanut girl. Not a day goes by that I don't eat something with peanuts in it. Me and George Washington Carver could have been besties.
 Peanuts are rich in antioxidants and a good source of niacin, folate, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, manganese and phosphorus. Loaded with nutrients, they are known to fight malnutrition in developing countries. When they are not saving the planet, they can also be used for paint, varnish, cosmetics, insecticides and soaps, to name a few.

They are going to be ready in September, but this is what they look like as peanut babies:

Super Heroes in the Making


Another event worth mentioning, I tried to save the gorgeous Celosia's (they were in the hoop house we were clearing out) from eminent death. I don't know how well it worked but Operation Celosia planting (Part 1?) was a success!

You know it wouldn't be a decent post if I didn't mention bugs at least once! I made friends with a praying mantis this week. He was hanging out on the truck, and I recognized him from a Reading Rainbow episode I watched as a child. I remember promising myself I'd meet that bug one day, and that day was Monday. Epic.

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