Questions about the farm, CSA, or witty advice please email me at

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 61

The end. No, okay, I'll start at the beginning, but just know the end is the part I like most! We harvested sunflowers for a florist working with a couple asking for organic flowers for their wedding. Then we pulled up all the carrots in the bed next to the hoop house *ahem* as seen in pic. After carrots we split up and intern Jason and I went to harvest potatoes, the Purple Vikings and Kerrs Pinks.

Now the fun part, and by fun I mean work...which isn't really fun but more so the outcome is fun. Get on with it I know, we did the assembly line for CSA. Here's what's cookin, or about to be!

In the box:
-2# mixed Summer Squash and Zucchini
-1# Cucumber
-1 head Komatsuna
-1# Broccoli OR Broccolini
-1 bunch Swiss Chard
-1 bunch Carrots OR 1 pint Blackberries (but probably carrots...)
-2 heads Kohlrabi
1.5# New Potatoes- purple and white
-1 head Garlic
 I delivered today and was running late which I'm still not getting used to, I'm going to have to sneak away 30 mins early from now on. I did get to talk to new restaurant owners at The Spence, and a lot of CSA members that were there to pick up the goods. They all wanted to chat about just what is kohlrabi or komatsuna and how do you cook it? I referred them to Cory's email: "Komatsuna isn't as frightening as it sounds. Another Asian green, it can be prepared with any of the greens recipes, we've shared before. It has a thicker leaf that stands up better to longer cooking times, so we like to think of it as an Asian Collard." He also compared the Kohlrabi to an alien spaceship which is so immature, it clearly looks like an octopus. He went on to say "The crunchy globes are extremely versatile, and can be eaten raw, steamed, mashed or sauteed." Yummy!

After finishing up my late day I found a little Jamaican shack advertising veggie wraps, smoothies, etc. I tripped in all in a hurry and he told me to calm/sit down and started making my wrap while singing to some Reggae music. So I did.

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