I'm famous! Or at least, I will be. Georgia Public Broadcasting came to Burge to do their
Georgia Outdoors segment on farms. They interviewed Cory in various locations while we wheel hoed in the background. I thought about breaking into a dance routine and throwing up some jazz hands to attract attention, but I refrained...better left to Saturday nights. They are coming back tomorrow to shoot us harvesting for market; they were going to have us pretend to harvest, so I was going to hone in my acting talents from a play in kindergarten, but in the end we just wheel hoed. I'm not sure when it will air, probably many months from now, the woman said they'd come back when the sunflower field is in bloom to take some more shots (which is late July). I'd also like to note on their site that the woman is wearing the same clothes she wore here, I'm thinking that's her "outdoor TV outfit".
Three Sisters (well, two sisters one's on vaca) |
Buckwheat | |
In Main House field there's a Buckwheat cover crop that's there to replace the Nitrogen in the soil (non-legume family Polygonaceae
). The process is called Nitrogen fixation and it occurs naturally in the air by means of lightning. It's really neat because there's a million bees and other pollinators over there keeping the farm in business. And Erica's three sister's corn and bean crop circle is coming up!
After we became celebrities, we went to Gus' field for more hoeing. There were some soybean plants there that were being eaten by a cute bunny family we always see. Rabbits bite the plant at an angle, deer just grab the plant and pull. A deer jumped over the tall wooden fence and pulled down the electric wire with him in Gus', Bambi really wanted some squash! Our next destination was Jeff Cook field. We met up with Elizabeth the volunteer and weeded the onions while Erica sprayed Deer Off around the corn. The guys went to the canning session and we went to lunch.
Upon return we put together an order for Farmer's Fresh and headed back to Jeff Cook. Erica and I fertilized the corn and cut down a forest of pigweed, while Elizabeth and Cory weeded the onions. Oh, and we got to eat some of the corn that was ready :) good times.
Pizza? Hold the beef on mine. |
Tonight was pizza night and I guess it's more popular than we thought because the cow from next door came over.
I'm glad you didn't stop your daily blog!
I'm stopping after this week, I was just giving people notice. The internet is so spotty here it takes hours to download pics, so I'm going to try a weekly version and see how it goes.