Easter ain't over Radishes |
Elephant Garlic |
Machete Day. More on that later. This morning we began with harvesting Pac Choi (eye roll) and Radishes. Neither Erica or I am able to eat all the radishes in our box so we are going to try to pickle them and see what happens, I'll keep you updated on Pickle Watch 2012. After that we went to Jeff Cook field to harvest the rest of the Burge elephant garlic. They need to cure for a couple weeks, so we put them on some pallets under the barn. We cleaned and did our bunching thing, then intern J and I went to harvest more potatoes in Newborn field.
Yeppers, that's garlic |
Daniel broke out the machete to split the bamboo. We are using the bamboo to trellis the peppers. He showed me how to start a cut in the middle then push down (without losing appendages) at the bottom I put pressure on the other side with my foot. I was hoping someone would ask me what I did today while I was in town, but no luck. I told one cashier at Whole Foods I worked on a farm and the conversation stopped abruptly and with odd looks; can only imagine replying with a "I macheted some bamboo after lunch, you?"
Next, we made up 10 CSA boxes for our Tuesday delivery/pickup. Then I loaded the bamboo up in the back of Suzi the truck. That sentence looks so simple, fast and easy but the job was long, hard, and okay it was simple but for the sake of my argument, really complex. Weeding came next, I headed over to the hoop house with the green beans and weeded until I couldn't weed anymore, or until I had to water the greenhouse.
Mice Wars 2012 is still going on, I had no idea, but I'm still winning. I had booby trapped my room particularly my dresser and unknowingly caught a mouse intruder. I don't know how long ago and I won't give details, the important thing is I'm still in the lead! Also, I found this little lizard on the porch around lunch, saw the little guy twice.
Harold |
Death Receptacle/sock holder |
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