We journeyed back to clean and bunch before the Tuesday drop off CSA delivery. I think this was the smoothest harvesting day we've had in 5 weeks; we had enough, dare I say, produce! Some veggie's were picked too early, like the onions and radishes, but overall it's an awesome box this week.
Okay, so the best part of today, we got off early and Erica, Puddy, and I went to hang out by the pool :) Good times! I'll spare you the pictures because my farmer's tan might blind you. Then chef Andrew came out with his sous chef Penny and we chatted and I asked about inside the Main House because I'm nosey like that. They said it was open, chef Andrew was doing a scotch tasting tonight. So we toured around and I saw a Renoir! Beautiful.
Sorry, there's wasn't a no glare angle |
Then we ventured up to the spooky museum attic. I'm not kidding, spook city. There were old clothes, dolls, a ouija board, photos, awards, cameras. Just about everything...for a Ghost Hunters episode.
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