I'm eating chocolate right now and as dad would say, "it don't get any better than this." Good time to write about my busy day. We started out with office duties, Erica and I tidied up while Cory set up his computer. I started a CSA distribution list in order to keep up with how many times people get what vegetables; for example arugula (and the answer is too many). Erica helped Cory file away a mess of paperwork then I started on an Organic Certification application for 2012. Each field needs to be approved for certification every other year, so Erica helped Cory with the paperwork for the Newborn field where the potatoes are planted. Meaning, you can apply for a field to be certified after you have planted, with the risk of it being rejected. Fingers crossed everyone for the organic potatoes becoming certifies, Farmgirl needs french fries this summer, oh and the farm, we need to sell them to people...for money.
Caught me a big un |
We weeded around the blackberries and I chopped off a bull thistle as tall as me! Lots of them! I am bull thistle conqueror! Side note: you can eat bull thistle if you peal the stem, Ricky gave me a strip of it and it tastes like celery. I would rather eat celery but if you're in a bind bull thistle is what's for dinner. In my opinion it could also be used as a weapon, it has some serious spikes. Anyhoodle, we weeded out the Johnson grass making sure to find the runners underneath, otherwise it grows right back. The blackberries should be all set to grow now! The first year it's new stem grows tall but does not produce any fruit. The second year the stem does not grow longer but breaks to produce flowering laterals (eventually berries). They've been changing colors from green to red and coming soon black!
We took the seeds out of the loofahs from last year and will plant some new ones soon. Loofahs can be harvested before maturity and eaten as a vegetable. Get this, they need to be trellised but they could grow up the side of a house 30-40ft high! Monster loofah plants, can't wait!
We finished trellising the tomatoes in lower field one (my favorite field), for now, but more to come later cause those puppies are a growin. There are some unique varieties, besides your standard cherry etc. we have beautiful indigo rose tomatoes popping out all over. I would give more love to the tomatoes but the plants make me itch everytime I work with them and if you scratch it it makes it worse. I think I caught the tomato pox (it's real, promise...and contagious).
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