Market Day! But the really hard workers stayed behind, me of course ;) Erica and I made it happen yesterday and completed everything on the list, which is just never done. Here's the scoop:
Started off the day with a big helper, Puddy, Erica's dog. Since I love dogs so much you'll have to excuse the excess of Puddy pics.
We did a lot irrigation wise since there's no rain in the 10 day forecast we had to set up drip irrigation for fields and rows that had none and there was new planting. We split up watering the greenhouse's which is no small feat due to lack of hoses and hidden greenhouse plants. Okay, so I forgot about the blackberries under the table, I'm not proud of it but it's done now, happy?
I'm a Mini Truck |

Next to the onions are Burge's heirloom elephant garlic found native to the plantation growing in the fields. Ricky and Cory decided to grow more and sell them at market. The plant is beautiful because it flowers out on top. Elephant garlic is like it sounds, large! I haven't tried any yet, but I'm excited to.
After lunch we set up more irrigation by Main House field where I'm terribly allergic to something, so I wore one of those Sars masks, took an allergy pill and loaded up on Kleenex (take that field). We then journeyed back to the greenhouse and Erica weedeated while I watered with a sprayer backpack. Also, this just in! Black Peanuts!!! The shell is normal but the peanut part is black, how awesome! So we are shelling those tonight.
I love the Puddy Pics!!! The three of us were a great team on Saturday.