Wildlife Day. Not only are the mice back, we had some other helper's today! We started out the day harvesting asparagus and strawberries, which takes awhile on Monday because it's not done over the weekend. While Daniel was setting up the tractor he found a volunteer in his jacket.
Why, hello there. |

After lunch Daniel took the tractor to lower field to lay drip tape and plastic mulch and Erica and I helped. One person has to wrap the drip tape around their leg to anchor it while making sure the plastic is tight and on course. The person at the other end has to cut the plastic then knot the drip tape depending on where the water source is and begin the process over again from that side. Once we were done Erica and I loaded up the transplants in the white van: Squash, Zucchini, and Cucumbers and went back to where we had helped lay the plastic. I drive pretty fast in the van because that's the pace we try to keep and I like to pretend I'm kidnapping plants, plus it's a beat up old white van and that spells uncertainty and danger. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, planting, so Daniel's spacing was a bit off, not enough room for the squash, we'll see how that works out once they grow. Erica went to Peru (before the internship) and brought back these really awesome seeds, so some of the corn from her treasure mix were planted next to the squash and zucchini...super excited to see how those turn out!
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