Our tomato trellis |
Working it out |
Air Conditioning |
Strawberry overload! 87 pints worth. And today we had a helper, a senior in high school who was working on a project to cut class. The booth next to ours at Peachtree market is the Queen of Tarts, and Katie (the senior) is working with them for her final project and while the owner is out of town she's visiting farms from the market. Side note: Katie went to pee in the woods like a champ, I prefer to use the lady's room at the barn...because I'm a lady, and I like toilet paper but that's another story. We weeded the asparagus, carrots and beets. I tried not to uproot all the beets and I believe I was able to do more good than harm, however a few beets would disagree.
After lunch we talked about soil and saw some soil tests from Burge and talked about of their test results. I'm still reading the more scientific of our weekly required reading books and learning about the chemistry. Cory doesn't like liming (putting lime in the soil) even though it helps in some ways chemically, it masks the organic matter deficiency which is the root of the problem. He said it was good if you're starting out in a new field. I helped put in the tomato trellis poles and watered the greenhouse. It's so amazing to see something you plant actually sprout! I just keep looking at them like really?!! I just did these last week.
Sunflowers I planted! |
Erica, rommate/intern made a delicious dinner tonight by roasting beets, sweet potatoes and carrots! I'm keeping her.
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