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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 25

MARKET DAY!!! Hidey Ho!

I bet you're wondering what time we get up for market, and the answer is 5am. I don't know if you've ever been up at 5, but it's chilly and dark like nature telling you hey crazy, go back to bed. So we loaded up the van with produce and headed to Peachtree Road Farmer's Market, which opens at 8:30. We made it there and set up our tent along with the other venders including ones selling herbs, honey, jams, pickling, baked goods, crepes, quinoa, organic lotions, meats, flowers and even origami. There are musicians and also chef demonstrations using Burge produce.
Our table was a success and sold out by 12:00 when it closes down. It was cool to see how excited people were to buy produce from farmers and it makes you feel good about what you do. There were kids coming up saying their favorite food was kale, and a young boy came over to by turnip greens and get a recipe for cooking them. The strawberries and asparagus were by far the most popular. I briefly got to meet the interns from last year Lauren and Luca who now farm some land close by. Afterwards we all went out to eat and celebrated our first market journey.

Our neighbors Queen of Tarts

Our sign and me in my hat ;)